Time to grab your yoga mat and join us for a follow-along workout Why Tabata? The way that Tabata was meant to be done without weights using fast bodyweight movements focusing on shoulder, core, and leg strength and muscle toning. Something for ALL LEVELS, perfect for beginners with lots of modifications and adaptions but also ways for you to progress and get stronger. You don’t need a bell to get moving!! You don’t need ANY equipment to get in an awesome fat-burning workout from home. Try this kick-ass follow-along workout in your next HIIT and Low Carb Day Workout! Join us for our FREE Follow Along with LIVE Workout below. It’s perfect for beginners, only 30 minutes and all you need is a Yoga mat. Join us for this beginners workout that is perfect for low impact, high intensity, fat blasting fun! This is just one of our workouts you get included in our 28 Day Beginners Programme Online! Watch the full video below and follow along SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL You can catch me live every Monday 3 PM GMT to give you all the Monday Motivation you need! Like my Facebook page so you don’t miss…
What is motivation? Are you naturally motivated? If you’re not naturally motivated what can you do about it and how can you get yourself going? Related: Lacking motivation? You need to hear this. So first of all I’ll share a little story of my own. Anybody who knows me or knew me say 15 or 20 years ago would be absolutely dumbfounded to find out that I’m a not only a personal trainer but that I have my own strength and fitness studio where we have over 60 members and over 300 attendances a month. And that I teach 18 classes a week. I mean from the outside I must look like somebody who’s highly motivated but really I’m still that same girl from 15 years ago and the only way that I have achieved what I have achieved is to learn how to get motivated. Let’s unpack this… So based on certain personality tests that exist there are people who are internally motivated and people who are externally motivated. (Note: I couldn’t remember the name of the most recent test I did on the video but it is called Enneagram and you can take the test for…
How cool would it be to say, “I am gonna go and workout today” and then you do it or how cool will it be to be able to say, “I’m gonna eat and follow my plan today and stick to my plan.” Related: Lacking motivation? You need to hear this. So the first question I want to ask you based on this is can you remember a time when you just felt really good in your body? Can you remember a time when you were feeling more energized or you felt like you were really on it? When did you feel like you were in control? When did you feel like you were empowered? What did that look like for you? So for me when I think about the times when I’m really feeling really good, really focused, really confident, really like on a roll, really high energy, it’s generally when I have created a series of really healthy habits that when I do those habits I am able to achieve the thing that I want. I’ll give you an example and one of the big things that I did in my life is to do with running….
Want to know how to change your body shape and achieve a lean, strong and curvy body even in your 40s or 50s? Hormones are your superpower or your kryptonite Hormones can be either your superpower or your kryptonite when it comes to being lean in your 40s and your 50s and the thing that tends to happen with women is that in my experience of dealing with women and working in the health and wellness industry for the last 15 years is that women mostly have been on a diet for most of their life. In fact they’ve been on a diet for decades and decades and the impact that that has on our hormones, metabolism and thyroid can really make a massive impact on how well you’re going to maneuver through the menopause, not just your overall health but also your body shape as well. Often women don’t see the effects of what decades of the eating choices has inside their bodies. They have been under eating calories (and nutrients) or they have been binge eating and eating toxic foods. What that does is it put the body’s version of homeostasis in major disrupt. This puts a lot…
For today’s topic, we’re going to be talking about a response I see that comes up time and time again. The response: “I don’t have the time”. I don’t have time First of all when people say to me “I don’t have time” my answer is always: “You do have time we all have the same amount of time. We all have 24 hours in our day but you’re just choosing different things with your time and that’s okay.” It’s not that what I’m trying to say here is that you’re a bad and wrong person because you’re making those choices. What I’m trying to say is that you do in fact have the time you’re just prioritizing to make different choices with what’s going on for you and in your life. What I generally ask people to do at this point when they get that sort of feedback from saying “I don’t have time” is to really just ask yourself: What is important to you in your life right now and is this your season for that change? So if you’re somebody who says, “Okay this is the time I really want to focus on changing my body shape, I…
This particular excuse that I want to talk about today is kind of like a little snake in the grass. It’s probably not even an excuse that you hear yourself say, it’s probably not even an excuse that you really see is an excuse, and in fact, you probably just think that this is normal. But what I’m here to tell you is that this is not only an excuse that I have fallen prey to but also a lot of my clients would as well and I kind of think that nearly everybody I know in some way falls prey to it and I’m going to give you one strategy today. One way for you to overcome it that might not necessarily be easy but it’s definitely simple. So this one excuse this little snake in the grass has lots of different ways that it manifests or shows itself but in my experience is one of the biggest excuses or biggest barriers that we have to body shape change and into achieving your body goals and your lifestyle goals. The one that I hear all the time is, “I am feeling stuck so, therefore, I’m not going to move…
I am here to help you regain your inner motivation! We’re talking about motivation on Motivation Monday kind of like the irony but normally I don’t talk about motivation I actually talk more about body shape change tips etc. but today I’m really excited because it’s September. I don’t know about you and where you are but September is historically one of the least attended months in my studio. I had been running classes kettlebell classes specifically now for the last four years and September of all of the months of the year is the least attended. People just don’t show up in September! I don’t want you to not show up for yourself so I’m going give you some tips today if you are lacking motivation. We’re talking about: What is motivation? How to get motivated if you’re not feeling it? Where I want to start is sometimes the one thing that you need to do is not actually working on the the goal that you’re going for. So yes you want to maybe change your body shape, want to lose some weight, want to feel stronger but in order to even get down that goal path, you need…