Guiding  spiritual, witchy women over 40 to heal their mind & body from guilt, shame & trauma using the combination of psychology, biology and spirituality, we call Wellness Alchemy.


My body and spirit were broken.

That moment when you first wake up.

You know when you are awake and returned back into your body but not yet opened your eyes and taken in the world?

I always check in on my body. What’s going on? How do I feel?

Will this be another day waking up feeling like crap?

Not wanting to get out of my bed because I am just bone tired, with a fuzzy head and no get up and go.

And the thought of another day of ‘trying to be productive’, putting everyone else first and just pushing through, once again, filled me with dread and on the verge of tears.

And this was how I started every morning for over a year.

Years of trauma finally caught up to me.  The last 5 years included The Pandemic, pivoting my business online, fighting against the ‘shot’, pushing through the financial crisis, my ADHD diagnosis, single parenting for 18 years, 10 years of narcissistic abuse and then trying to be an agent for social change working for an organisation outwardly fighting against poverty and empowering women, then internally screwing us over.

I just broke.

My body shut down. Chronic anaemia, exhaustion, aches in my legs and feet so bad I could barely walk, undiagnosed coeliac disease meaning I was always bloated, high cortisol, adrenal burnout made sleep so difficult.

I healed my body, mind & spirit

But today, when I opened my eyes.

I was ME again.  I felt GOOD. I had energy.  I had purpose.

After decades of people pleasing, pushing through  & masking my authentic self, I healed my body and my mind, releasing stress weight and able to work on being stronger than ever at the age of 48.

Through a combination of tools aligning my biology, psychology and spirituality, I went all in on my healing journey, not skipping the inner work and reminded myself of where I started as a WARRIOR GODDESS.

The energy of human giving

Living behind a mask takes enormous energy.  All the layers we add keep us from knowing ourselves. When you are not living life as your authentic self, in a smokey haze of self judgement, guilt and emotional exhaustion, your intuition is quiet and you live a small, unsettled and tamed life, never realising your goals and dreams.
We just live life for everyone else, giving ourselves away with compulsive concern for the emotion needs of others rather than ourselves,  burdened with the duty role and responsibility, working in the world rather than being our true selves, never wanting to disappoint, being nice, being the peacemaker and suppressing anger and  and as an effect of this women now represent 80% of all autoimmune disease.
Inner knowing comes from overcoming judgement, developing your intuition and claiming your strength to ignite your will,  and find your true self.
As you clear and protect your energetic body, purify your vessel and release your old stories you will step into your power as a Warrior Goddess and become the Woman you were meant to be, now and whatever age.

The web of lies that fees your confusion

Confused women are prayed upon by diet industry marketing machines and fitness influencer smoke and mirrors.    By keeping us fragmented and torn, we are bathed in self doubt and so far from our own intuition and listening to our bodies we don’t even know what we want, what is good for us and just feeling like we are not good enough.


This competing and contradictory information separates fitness, nutrition, hormones, spiritually and mental health.  Whereas true holistic wellness and being a whole and authentic woman encompasses all these things, so why don’t our goals or our program to reach them?


We don’t see the interconnectivity.

Wellness Alchemy doesn't just help you to release stress weight

It has also helped women over 40 to:

✨Overcome disordered and emotional eating

✨Have better relationships with partner, family and colleagues

✨Release chronic pain (even from fibromyalgia and perimenopause)

✨Get off antidepressants and daily painkillers.

✨Release anxiety

✨Heal their hormones (even with autoimmune conditions and menopause)

✨Realise their capacity to get stronger, lift heavier and push themselves safely

✨Tap into their magic &  find confidence in their own personal spiritual practice


The way we do one thing is the way we do all things…

How much would change in your life if you could consistently pursue your wellness goals without guilt, shame or fear of burning out?

Feeling a bit apprehensive before I started

“I commenced the first 6 weeks feeling a bit apprehensive. But I’d tried for a whole year to make a change in my body shape (I just had to loose weight.) I just couldn’t get any momentum, even if I ate ‘healthy’ and I was doing three days a week of hr functional training and a slow jog a few times a week, the weight was so slow in coming off I’d give up and binge and then I’d be back at the beginning again.

So, all into being a warror goddess. I committed, I prioritised, I organised and I followed the food plan and exercised when I was supposed to, and not more (though it’s hard to trust the process when you have been used to hour long sessions day after day).


This change and commitment to myself meant I had stopped downing painkillers every day

“I was always active but a health issue meant I could no longer run or do other high impact exercise.  I also started to wonder how after all the running (including half marathons) and the boot camp sessions that the scales did not change for the better and my shape was not changing…so on and off I kept searching for local Kettlebell classes.   I always came up blank and I didn’t just want to follow stuff on YouTube so right at the point when I decided to stop the running etc I had one more look and found Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training!  I couldn’t believe it, it wasn’t just KBs but nutrition also.  In the back of my mind I had also started to wonder if I should be eating and exercising a different way for someone who was approaching 45.
So I took the leap and I have not regretted it, is it hard sometimes? Yes!  Is it time consuming? Yes!  But has this change and commitment to myself meant I had stopped downing painkillers every day then its a huge massive YES!  And this was my goal, to make my life better with less pain, the weight loss and the centimetres from here and there are a very pleasant bonus.   


I fractured my back last year but with a physio it wasn’t getting stronger. 

“I fractured my back in Nov of 2020 and have been seeing my back doctor regularly due to this. I was going PT 4 times a week as well. About 8 weeks ago I was talking to my doctor feeling very discouraged because I was getting no where with PT, I just wasn’t gaining any strength back in my lower back. Fast forward 6 weeks and I am down 10 lbs, and sooo many inches! I have gone down 2 pant sizes and I can even wear a size small top.  I couldn’t be more thrilled with the results and my back is getting stronger!”


I used to start every Monday.

I used to ‘start over’ every Monday. I tried to eat well, which mostly meant less or no carbs but I realised that something else must be at play as my partner lost a large amount of weight over the past year but what he was doing just wasn’t working for me. I became more & more miserable in myself, more restrictive with my diet and became less motivated thinking nothing was ever going to work for me now I was post 45. Could hormones be a part of this?


I had lost 70lbs on Keto but then my weight loss plateaued for months. 

After losing about 70lbs on the ketogenic diet my weight loss stalled, and then started to creep back up. I was doing exactly the same thing – and nothing for months!

Completing the full 12 month program,  I finally believe that I **am** sexy, and you better know I’m strong!

I used to believe in a mythical goal weight. A number on the scale that would prove I was thin enough (and good enough). A number that would tell me that I was finally no longer the fat girl…… Now I know that slipping into size 10 jeans and colleagues jaw’s dropping to the floor when I walk into the office is way better feedback than any scale number.  Now I catch myself smiling as I pass a mirror and realise that tiny waist and defined legs are mine!

I used to believe that I could probably aim to swing a 12kg kettlebell eventually if I got strong. Now I swing a 32kg kettlebell!


I hit menopause around 41 and have slowly gained weight and bloat since then

“I hit menopause around 41 and have slowly gained weight and bloat since then. I’m December 2020 I reached my heaviest and I was so unhappy with what I saw in the mirror, I felt so bloated and uncomfortable, had no energy and couldn’t fit into my clothes. have learned a lot about nutrition and have gone back to basics with healthy clean food. Following the meal plans has made things easier and taken away the guess work on what to eat. I no longer have any bloating, Iv lost 10lbs in 6 weeks and can see a noticeable difference around my belly, waist, hips and thighs. My quality of sleep has improved so much and I feel better in myself. Iv enjoyed pushing myself during the workouts and the encouragement and support from Lisa, Breo and the group has been amazing.”


Becoming a Warrior Goddess

Isn’t for everyone.

The clients whose testimonials are shown here have been willing to do what most aren’t…


➡️ They come to every coaching call

➡️ They ask challenging questions

➡️ They take action, follow the lessons, implement the tools & rituals in the program


Compassionate Courage

That’s what it means to be a Warrior Goddess.

You know you have it within to find a way to reach your goals.

Even if there were a monster standing in your way… you choose to slay.

Because you remember there is Warrior Goddess energy within you.

What women are saying about Wellness Alchemy & being a Warrior Goddess

What is Wellness Alchemy?

8 years studying the human psychodynamic as a human potential coach, becoming a personal trainer and kettlebell instructor at age 39, opening my own strength training studio built to serve 100s of women over 3 years, creating an award winning body transformation program and podcast and overcoming my own disordered eating and body issues to become the go to women’s wellness expert for women over 40.

You won’t find another program that focuses on this stage of a woman’s life cycle with a truly holistic approach for biological, psychological and spiritual health.



Everything from nervous system regulation, body based energetics, healing your relationship with food, understanding cravings & pain… to developing your spiritual practices.


I hour onboarding call with Lisa, with 1x 30 min coaching call every month to provide you custom support and coaching and doing regular energy alignment.


Meet with the whole coven for a new live coaching & ritual call every week.


Based in eating the right thing at the right time for the right reason & mindful eating based on food neutrality. Somatic based mobility and home based kettlebell programs you could do in gym if you prefer to your custom goals. Weekly adjustments & check ins.

How much would change in your life if you felt good in your body and could trust yourself?

You are already a Goddess

The world has just told you were broken, that what you feel is just in your head and that intuition is for crazy people.

This journey isn’t about getting your body to fit societal standards under the gaze of the patriarchy…

It’s about remembering how good your body is designed to feel.

As you naturally grow & heal your body, your mind, & your intuition… you start to become the type of person who naturally takes care of your body & takes action to reach your specific health + fitness goals.

A Mind, Body, Character Transformation.

Step into your power as a Warrior Goddess



✨The Warrior Goddess Lessons & Guides ✨Weekly group calls ✨ Group Collective Consciousness Community ✨ 3 Hours of 1:1 coaching with Lisa ✨ Exclusive 1:1 Oracle Reading with Lisa ✨ ✨ Goddess Got Goals Program Mini Course & Tools ✨ Warrior Goddess Meditations & Goddess Gathering Recordings to work through

Signup Now for a Season JOIN US NOW >>



✨The Warrior Goddess Lessons & Guides ✨ Weekly group calls ✨ Group Collective Consciousness Community ✨ 9 Hours of 1:1 coaching with Lisa with weekly check ins ✨ Exclusive 1:1 Oracle Reading with Lisa ✨ ✨ Goddess Got Goals Program Mini Course & Tools ✨ Warrior Goddess Meditations & Goddess Gathering Recordings to work through ✨ Access to Full Wheel of Year program and material ✨ 12 Months Access to the WGKBT App ✨

Signup Now For 13 months JOIN US NOW >>
Want a payment plan?P.S We also partner with Affirm & Klarna and PayPal credit for full payment, find out more when you reach checkout if this is eligible in your location

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Q: How long will it take to get results?

A: Are you a person who joins a program and then doesn’t do the lessons or come to the calls?

Or are you the person who become hyper focused on your healing journey, goes all in, shows up and takes action?

Michelle a busy chef and mum came to all the coaching calls and followed the lessons and lost 18lbs in 6 weeks and overcame her sugar addiction and rebuilt the strength in her knee.

You can get results as quickly as you want based on your level of going all in.  It depends on you… are you an action taker?


Q: What if I have chronic pain and it's hard to move my body?

A: Even if you have chronic pain, there are many mindset and energetic lessons you can do without moving your body in the beginning.

That said, I’ve had clients with fibromyalgia not able to move and sleep 12 hours a day to be able to dance and walk and feel energetic in a few weeks of working through the lessons.

I know what it is like to have chronic pain and not feel able to DO anything without fear it will make it worse.  We understand capacity and know this is a process to living pain free.


Q: What if I'm now that spiritual?

A: The truth is you wouldn’t be reading this FAQ if you weren’t, as you have been in my world for a while long enough to know how we combine biology, psychology and spirituality – we call Wellness Alchemy- to facilitate a magical transformation. You are maybe being called because you are here!

That said, I’ve had clients go from never doing a meditation or even journalling to using oracle cards in their daily practice and building their own intuition and getting messages from their own Goddesses and Guides.


Q: What if nothing has ever worked for me before?

A: If nothing has ever worked before, have you ever worked with energetics, the subconscious mind and healing guilt and shame from trauma held in the body.

Sometimes we consciously hold onto weight through protection and not feeling ‘safe’ for a whole range of subconscious reasons.

This can look like holding onto weight at a protective layer or not wanting to get into amazing shape because the last time you were you got too much unwanted attention or something more serious happened.

Learning to become safe in your body using energetics and nervous system regulation  and reprogramming your subcious mind to release old stories and limiting beliefs.





Q: Do I have to do the programme right away?

A: One of the best things about this program is that you can join at any time and work through the lessons at your own pace.   This program is designed to meet you wherever you are at on your journey.

Q: How soon after I purchase will I receive the program?

A: As soon as you purchase you’ll be sent a link to the thank you page to begin downloading and access our online portal, in addition to an email with all the information so you can get started right away.

Q: Am I a good fit for this coaching program?

A: This is a holistic wellness approach using some spiritual and woo woo practices from earth based spirituality and Toltec wisdom to do the inner work in a fun and gentle way.  Lining the path ready to be able to follow a Wellness plan with consistency.  So it suits a woman ready for transformation and doing to the inner work and has a wellness goal that want to work towards that would truly be a mind, body and character and life changing transformation.

Q: Can I cancel?

A: This is a digital product, there are no returns or refunds.  All sales are final.  Full details on our terms & conditions, visit here.

Q: Am I required to be on Facebook to join the program?

A: Our weekly reflections and check ins are done via our Facebook group.  So this will be a great resource that we don’t want you to miss out on but we also have an online portal which houses our lessons as well as coaching delivered through Zoom calls.

Q: I have never lifted a kettlebell in my life, am I strong/fit enough to do this programme?

A: What I love about kettlebells is that they are the perfect beginners strength training tool for women. They are compact, easy to use, effective and inexpensive and you can do so much with them from your own home. I currently have clients in their 50-60s who have never lifted a weight now leaner, stronger and fitter in a few weeks!

Q: Do I need a gym membership to do the workouts?

A: No, this is a one of the key benefits of this programme that can save you time and money. The workouts are designed for easy to follow, quick and effective home workouts you can do in your bedroom, living room or garage. If you wish, you could easily do them in a gym with a small amount of space and only have to touch 2-3 kettlebells- making it a super safe way to train.

Q: Do I have to do the workouts or can I just follow the eating plan?

A: This a truly holistic program where after working on mindset and energetic strategies you can follow a wellness program towards your goals to test the character as you build consistency.  So the final 50 days of our coven experience will include both eating and training.

Q: Can you confirm that there are no other charges or “hidden” costs beyond the initial investment?

A: Indeed we can confirm no hidden costs! Any applicable sales tax is added in the shopping cart. That’s it. There are no other charges. No recurring dues (unless you sign up for the payment plan). Any other products, supplements, equipment or special deals you ever see from me now or in the future are optional.

Q. Do you really answer questions in the Facebook group?

A: Yes, myself and my coaching team really answer your questions on the Private Facebook Group every single day. Every single member is important to me and if you’re struggling, I want to help you succeed. So if you’re interested in getting personal advice straight from Lisa and the other Warrior Goddess Body Coaches, now is the time to get onboard.

Q: Will this work in my country? I’m worried I won’t have access to coaching calls or when you do your workouts.

A: We have members all over the world and assign the times of coaching calls to fit all timezones as best we can and you can do your workout at any time of the day that suits you. They are all prerecorded and accessible on our app. Workouts are 4-35 minutes and are to be completed in your living room, basement, bedroom or garage (or if the weather is nice, outside!) when and where that suits you!

Payment Plan Options



✨The Warrior Goddess Lessons & Guides ✨Weekly group calls ✨ Group Collective Consciousness Community ✨ 3 Hours of 1:1 coaching with Lisa ✨ ✨ Goddess Got Goals Program Mini Course & Tools ✨ Warrior Goddess Meditations & Goddess Gathering Recordings to work through

Signup Now for a Season JOIN US NOW >>



✨The Warrior Goddess Lessons & Guides ✨ Weekly group calls ✨ Group Collective Consciousness Community ✨ 9 Hours of 1:1 coaching with Lisa with weekly check ins ✨ Goddess Got Goals Program Mini Course & Tools ✨ Warrior Goddess Meditations & Goddess Gathering Recordings to work through ✨ Access to Full Wheel of Year program and material ✨ 12 Months Access to the WGKBT App ✨

Signup Now For 13 months JOIN US NOW >>

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Meet Lisa Barwise

Merry Meet. I’m Lisa Barwise, your Head of Coven and Wellness Alchemist.

I’m a qualified Human Potential & Certified Holistic Health Coach and Naturopath, Plant Based Diet Specialist and Kettlebell Instructor based in Belfast in the UK.

I consider myself a Wellness Alchemist and Fitness Femininst on a mission to support the transformation of strong women around the world: strong of mind, body and character.

Where WooWoo meets Nerdy Science

As a generational witch based in Ireland & Scotland, I call from the Celtic Divine Feminine energy of my ancestors.  A green kitchen witch where my strength comes from my connection to nature, the forest, the plants, herbs and brought into my food and daily wellness practices.

As a nutritionist and personal trainer I also understand the science behind what and how you eat plus the power of kettlebell training to get stronger and build lean muscle to change your body shape over 40.

But it is my approach to setting and achieving goals and developing grit without burnout that truly sets me apart as a Transformation Coach – true Wellness Alchemy.  Because Goddess Got Goals.

I believe it is my fun and enthusiastic approach to wellness in a holistic way- physical, mental, spiritual and bringing the woo woo and nerdy science together – being a total health and fitness and superhero geek- that helps my clients to reach their body and lifestyle goals for long lasting change.