We are all struggling right now in different ways. And whether you like to admit it or not, your physical health is impacted by your mental health. Anxiety and stress mess with us way more than you can imagine.
I want to start with my own story and my own journey and the impact that the lockdowns and Covid has had on my business and my mental health but more importantly, what I do and continue to do every day to stay strong.
I’m a fighter, an activist and I have to speak my mind- that is just in my blood, who I am but it took its toll. Social media- the place I would go to support my clients and get that sense of community became a place of anxiety and stress.
Every plan or goal I made fell through and I felt like I had no control and was stuck at home and just stuck.
Listen to this week’s episode for my own steps and tips I take on a daily basis to continue to be healthy – physically and mentally.
Links mentioned in this episode:
– The Anxiety of Perfectionism with Leigh Campbell Coaching
– The Ultimate Morning Routine Guide
– Review the podcast and be in the chance to WIN
– FREE Tribe Facebook group
– The 6 Week Transformation Challenge
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