“Audio Motivation”:

When a podcast not only inspires you, but gives you the kick in the ass you need to take action!

Body Shape ChangePlant Based Nutrition

Episode 78: Meal Planning vs Food Tracking: What’s the difference and why are they important?

Do you know? 90% OF FAT LOSS AND MUSCLE BUILDING IS WHAT YOU EAT THIS IS NOT ABOUT EATING ‘CLEAN’, ‘HEALTHY’, ‘PALEO’ OR ‘KETO’ No matter HOW much you train at the gym or swing your bell, the wrong recipes, incorrect protein sources and portion advice will blow all...
Body Shape ChangePlant Based Nutrition

Episode 70: This one 5 min habit changed my life

Today we are talking about my morning routine and this one simple change, the Green Proothie- a protein smoothie- and how it completely changed my life, my body, my energy, and actually my whole career!   This one habit had me learn what I needed to do to navigate...
Plant Based Nutrition

Episode 64: Veggie, What The Heck Do You Eat?

Veggie, What The Heck Do You Eat?   So do you eat?…. And what about?… So what do you eat?…. We’re going to talk all about being plant based as a vegetarian, vegan and why I don’t eat gluten or dairy – or what dairy to eat. And this...
Body Shape ChangePlant Based NutritionStrength Training

Episode 52: Beginners Guide to Macros (why count, how to track & getting started)

What are Macros? One of my favourite questions to answer. Why? Because when I learnt about this way of eating my whole body and energy changed. Our programs are based on 3 fundamental elements: SCIENCE- the process, the plan and the formulas, based on research and studies for the...
Female EmpowermentHormone & Life CyclesPlant Based Nutrition

Episode 33: Pain & Drug free using the Wisdom of Ayurveda with Kimber Jones

If you suffer from any auto immune, chronic pain or digestive related issue, you need to stop what you are doing and listen to this week’s episode. Our guest Kimber Jones is going to share how she has gone from a life in pain, on endless prescription drugs and...
Plant Based Nutrition

Episode 32: What No Vegan Will Tell You About Being Plant Based

What does it mean to be plant based? ‘Based’ meant something that provides the foundation for… in this case your diet. And plants need to be a very hearty base of your diet. As The China Study – the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conduct- ed- reveals (amongst...
Hormone & Life CyclesPlant Based Nutrition

Episode 13: Eating Healthy V Eating for Fatloss

It is not OK just to guess at what and how much you are eating every day if you want to change your Body Shape, even if your plate is stacked high with healthy, clean food. “I eat relatively healthy” is something I hear every day. But ‘healthy’ or...
Hormone & Life CyclesPlant Based Nutrition

Episode 9: The Ultimate Morning Routine Guide

My morning routine changed by life.   But my routine is my routine.  Let’s help find yours.   This week’s podcast provides you with tips on how to intentionally start your day. The actions aren’t as important as the intention. And my steps, my rituals are not always perfect...
Plant Based NutritionStrength Training

Episode 2: 5 Ss for Immune Strength

The first three are mainly for you. The last two are for you and your fellow humans! Learn the actions I have taken to focus on and build an unshakable immune system that I feel I can rely on even in the most scary times. Join likeminded women in...