This Intensive 12 Week Programme to take you from Beginner to Bad A$$

There’s a lot of GOOD things going for kettlebells.

They are the perfect, at home, anytime of day, training tool for women who want to add a little more to their daily fitness training.

The size of the kettlebell (even heavier ones) make them convenient to store at home (under the bed, in a cupboard, behind the door).

The perfect introduction to strength training for women nervous to enter the free weights area of the gym (and dealing with the fear of injury and not knowing what to do.)

Starting with just 4 minutes, building to a total of 30 minutes, our kettlebell workouts not only hit EVERY muscle in the body but emphasis is also placed on improving movement skills, cardio and increasing mobility to stay injury free.

The majority of exercises you can perform with kettlebells will promote functional strength, say good bye to lower back pain and give you a damn fine ass too! (as well as protect your knees, or wrist, ankles or shoulders).

It’s no wonder kettlebell workouts are becoming more and more popular.

The problem? There’s NOT a whole lot of example kettlebell workouts on the web for beginners- for women – or for those wanting to up their kettlebell game.

So, I think it’s time we fix that.



When I teach kettlebell classes I do not use just random kettlebell circuits, each workout is part of a kettlebell training plan lasting 12 weeks.

Using full body kettlebell workouts is a fast way to increase your strength and cardio in a very short amount of time. Unlike conventional ‘body building’ type workouts, these kettlebell workouts focus on activating as many muscles as possible in the shortest amount of time (stating with just 4 minutes to be exact.)


The world has changed.  I used to own a strength training kettlebell studio for women for 3 years.  Then the Pandemic hit and I took all our programs online.

The gym might feel even less safe now than it did when you just had to deal with not knowing how to use those machines or what the heck to do with a dumbbell.

The beauty of kettlebell training is that it is the perfect tool for home based workouts you can do ANYTIME of day with minimal equipment and starting with just 4 minutes.


From Russia with Tough Love: Kettlebell Training for a Femme Fatale... Pavel style.

It seems that not a day goes by without a new exercise or fitness trend being revealed.

Kettlebells are not a fitness trend or a gimmick, they have been around for 100s of years and trusted by some of the best for the incredible results they can generate.

In fact, they are the forefathers of modern day weight training. But in my opinion, history or no, they are the perfect tool for women to focus on the most important part of fitness.  To build lean muscle and and get fitter whilst getting stronger, efficiently.

Usually, the popularity of kettlebells gets traced to Russia, where it’s called the giro or girya. That term first appeared in Russian dictionaries in 1704 and originates from the Persian word gerani, meaning “difficult.” It’s also been traced to the ancient Slavic word gur, which means “bubble.”

The story goes that Russian farmers used kettlebells as counterweights to measure out grain at the market. As bored farmers learned the weights could be heaved and tossed in feats of strength and endurance, giros began enjoying a central role in farming festivals. Similar to what went on in the Scottish Highlands with Caber tossing, the results of these farmers becoming buff caught the eye of some influential people in the field of health.

Some time around the turn of the nineteenth century, a Russian doctor called Vladislav Krayevsky realized that the kettlebell deserved a place in sports medicine. Krayevsky (also called von Krayeski, Kraevskogo, and Krajewski) happened to be the personal physician of the Russian czar, who popularized kettlebell training in the Russian army after seeing the results it was getting for those buff and strong farmers, which eventually elevated it to a national sport.

Now every gym, fitness studio or home has one- but few know what to do with it and how to do it SAFELY.

If you know anything about my own story,  I was never that athletic or that into exercise – and well I’m not naturally motivated, I do not wake up and think about working out!-  but I do want to LOOK AND FEEL like a

BAD A$$.

you know like Buffy or Xena and I really wanted to learn martial arts and be STRONG.  But honestly I got sick of being punched in the face or stomach in my Kung Fu and Karate classes (true story).

I wanted to feel confident and be able to rely on myself .

Then – ENTER THE KETTLEBELL (scuse the pun)

It does not matter if you can do 1,000 punches if none of them can knock out your little sister.”- Pavel Tsatsouline

Kettlebell Training is the closest thing to throwing a punch, without ever having to fight.

At the ripe old age of 39 I become a kettlebell instructor and over the last 6 years have taught more than

a 1000 kettlebell classes.

that’s teaching 1000s of women how to swing a kettlebell, safely, with confidence and stay injury FREE.

But it all started with me at HOME in my living room, swinging my bell.


I look at things differently compared to other fitness professionals.

I’m not a bodybuilder​​a Drill Sargent or interested in getting super shredded or with ripped six pack abs.  We focus on STRONG and let everything else take care of itself.

All my training is based on natural movement patterns that target the whole body rather than just a few muscles at a time. You see, I design our training programmes for women and how women want to train, how it is best for them to train and how they want to look and feel.

The majority of my coaching information and videos are free.  I work hard to give you all the tools you need to exercise at home!

But sometimes you need to invest in yourself. And have an expert take you step by step.  I have helped 1000s of our clients look, feel and perform better in the privacy of their own homes and discovered that using kettlebells was the perfect tool for this.

The best bit:


In each phase, a top, award-winning kettlebell superhero (well they actually call me the Fairy Ninja) becomes YOUR personal trainer.  Someone who has been exactly where you have been- a beginner with no confidence (or strength) and full of self doubt.


I, Lisa Barwise, founder of Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training and kettlebell femme fatale, will show you how to:

  • Master the basics step by step
  • Get started with easy to follow, all laid out, workouts from just 4 minutes
  • Remain injury free by focusing on form and function
  • Use kettlebells to build both strength and lean muscle
  • Access the Tabata protocol to shred body fat.

The gym may NEVER feel safe or welcoming. That’s why I am here, showing what to do virtually by your side, every single workout that you can do from the safety and comfort of your HOME.

While this get-Lisa-as-your-trainer is a fantastic deal alone, within the The Ultimate Home Based Training Plan 12 Week Plan…you get so much more including our kick ass coaching team.



Our energiser bunny- this Bronagh is the master of all things Martial + Kettlebell HIIT.  Think high energy, fun with high kicks and total bad assery!


Bronagh says: “It’s not about being co-ordinated.  It’s about having FUN.

What I LOVE about high intensity training is that it is fun and fast and so effective. And you can get a full body, fat blasting workout in just 20 minutes with literally 1 kettlebell.”


The Pandemice forced me to remind myself of WHAT WORKED. WHAT I TRULY BELIEVED AND WHERE IT ALL BEGAN…

Home based workouts in the safety and comfort of your living room.


Our Strength & Conditioning Coach – this Bronagh known as Coach Bee- is the STRONGEST woman I know.  This Bad Ass makes Turkish Get Ups, Snatches and Pull Ups look like a walk in the park.


Women overestimate what they can achieve in 6 weeks, and totally underestimate what they can achieve in a year.

Learning something new takes time.  Building strength and muscle, takes time.

But when you put in the time and effort, you will not only feel stronger, but feel more confident and your self esteem will sky rocket!

From Zero to Hero

The 3 Steps of Taking you From Beginner to Bada$$.

This is a full blown battle plan supporting your new training habits and understanding that kettlebell training doesn’t have to be long, drawn out, painful, intense or scary, to get results.  You’re going to learn how to overcome your doubts and beliefs about motivation so we can show you how to build a strong and womanly body capable of HARD THINGS…. ALL whilst having FUN.

Across 12 weeks, here’s how we focus on STRONG:


Building bad @$$ body strength requires a precise order of events. To succeed, we must start at the very beginning (as Julie Andrews might sing) because that is indeed a very good place to start.  Building a solid foundation of mastering the basics, building your strength, whilst building your confidence and motivation.  And building courage to do the hard things is a step by step process, especially for beginners.

We’re going to:

  • Teach you everything from where to buy your first kettlebell and what to look out for as you invest in your kit.

  • How to source, pick up and hold the kettlebell and common mistakes in the movement patterns.
  • Provide a complete guide for Beginners to Kettlebell Training
  • Then build you week by week so that you master each of the fundamentals so you never fear injury, overexercise, post workout soreness or pain.

  • The overlooked training on best practices for warm up, activation, mobility, rest and recovery.


While most training programs go on about squats, deadlifts and six packs, almost NOBODY talks about the mindset and self care that is absolutely vital for success.

That’s why I’m breaking down:

  • HOW TO HAVE FUN Why women over 40 take life TOO SERIOUSLY and neglect their inner girl! We focus on fun to relieve stress and ENJOY the process with our Training Journal and our Girl Power themed Spotify playlists for your workouts

  • What to do when you’re halfway through the program and your motivation starts to waiver

  • The science behind staying consistent for both your body and mind

  • Looking after your body with your new training plan so you don’t fall off due to injury or burnout


After the first 2 stages, you’ve seen you CAN push and work hard. With a determination unlike anything you (or your surprised family!) have seen before, I now show you:

  • To decide: when to get heavier? when to do more? When to push and when to rest?  Let’s answer these challenging questions once and for all.

  • Why one part of your body is getting stronger than others or if you feel like you are not balanced and what to do

  • The little-known way to build strength without spending hours every day
  • How to make the right changes to your training plan split to achieve your strength and body goals.

Each step of this plan takes you from never touching a bell to a bada$$ kettle-belle in just 12 weeks, staying injury free, building your strength and your confidence, EVERY DAY.



Within the first 30 days, you can learn the fundamentals in a safe, injury-free, step-by-step process so that you can build your confidence, motivation and fitness as you build your strength.


In this set of 30 days, we focus on building a solid foundation with repetition of the full body compound and key KB moves and building muscle memory and strength FAST. You’ll feel 100x more confident to hit your workouts, motivation and self esteem that didn’t exist before.


Within the last 30 days, you will truly step into your power as a kettlebell Warrior Goddess and challenge your strength and embrace the true power of kettlebell training to get you LEAN, STRONG and CURVY. 

What’s inside this ULTIMATE


You’re going to get every tool needed to develop the motivation, confidence and ability to build that strength and become a kettlebell femme fatale even if you’ve never swung a kettlebell, can’t do even one push up or understand anything about strength training.


Your 12 Week Training Plan PDF with virtual coach & training videos (Value: $397)

Your membership grants VIP access into this incredible library of mindset, fitness and nutrition information. Here, you’ll find:

  • Each of the 3 stages broken down, step by step where you can train from HOME

  • Lessons from me, Lisa, getting in-depth about nutrition, mindset and training tactics (so even if you’ve NEVER swung a kettlebell, you’ll feel totally confident)

  • Videos and workbooks to make the process seamless

Your kettlebell, martial and yoga HIIT Library AND SPOTIFY playlists on our Training App (Value: $344)

You don’t even need a computer to access all our workouts.  You will be emailed your full training plan PDF but also have access to our Training & Workout App using Trello, with access to your HIIT workout library, demo videos plus your warm up, mobility and stretch series as well as our Spotify playlists and podcasts to create the perfect soundtrack to your workout.

24/7 Sisterhood Tribe Community Facebook group (Value: $197)

This group is not only a community of other like-minded women cheering each other on, you’ll get access to the world’s top coaches.

I will be in the group answering questions and have the best coaches- who have been where you are- answering your questions on everything from mindset, nutrition to fitness.



Honestly, before I started my fitness journey I had the upper body strength of a T-Rex (you know little arms?), I too well know what it’s like for your friends to think of you as the small, weak or ineffectual one and the confusion – nah hypocrisy – of many diet and fitness programmes out there and just how easy it is to get pulled into another new fitness trend that you have had to hand over your hard earned cash for.

Even if have NEVER been considered fit, stepped inside a gym or even sniffed a weight before (side note: please don’t go around sniffing weights).…

Or if you’ve joined EVERY FREE Facebook group, downloaded EVERY free workout or grabbed yourself the ‘best’ new workout trend …

Know that our programme & approach is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

Every day, we get comments and messages from members sharing their relief at FINALLY finding an easy to follow plan, that doesn’t gloss over the important details when you want to get started or your worries or concerns about your starting point. 

Even if you think you are ‘past it’, too old or have ZERO motivation or if you were really fit but haven’t done anything in months.

Or you just want to add kettlebell training into your daily yoga, fitness or walking practice.


Before joining, we often get messages from women asking if it is OKAY that they still do yoga or if they have a dodgy hip/wrist/back/shoulder (insert injury here), or that they currently follow a Keto Diet or do intermittent fasting every day or do they have to HIIT style training.

Let me be clear. It does not matter if you’re lazy, unfit, think you have no upper body strength, want to build a bum, don’t care about your bum, someone who does Roller Derby or plays Rugby. Our community is a safe space for any ambitious human to discover what works best for you.

Just as I tell my son that our house is a safe space where everyone deserves to feel nurtured, at peace, and never bullied, our community is run the same way.

That’s why I want you to introduce you to one of our members for yourself.

Can you see yourself here…


40-year-old Gemma joined the Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training program because she had gained a lot of weight post baby after having a premature birth and C section,  that she was never able to shift.  It was affecting her confidence and her energy levels and how she felt about herself.  She loved strength training in the past but never felt something she could stick to until now.

“The training has made such a difference to my life it’s only when I look at the difference in a month I can see I have changed the shape of my shoulders which I am so chuffed about.

I have kept to doing 2-3 sessions a week and my mood has been great, I have even invested in more kettlebells for home. The support from Lisa and all the great ladies gives me such confidence to keep going and for the first time ever it doesn’t feel like a chore it is what I do and what I want to improve on, I no longer stress about my dress size or the scales I work on getting stronger and everything else is falling into place.

Starting with just kettlebell workouts I now am dialing in my nutrition with the Wheel of the Year programme.  I lost 5lbs in just the first 10 days. I have lost my back rolls, muffin top and my second back! But I have gained so much more.  I have upper body strength, a strong core and my legs and back are leaner and stronger.  And now I have a waist too!”

This program WILL give you a STRONG, WOMANLY Body- and the belief to see it through – if you follow the steps I outline.

After joining, across a year I watched Gemma work incredibly hard. She asked thoughtful questions in our Facebook group. She and other women supported one another through the “Ahhhh my legs are going to fall off!” days.

By the end, well, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Here’s the cool part. Gemma is NO different than any woman wanting to get stronger – inside and out. All she did was commit to working hard and deciding she WAS the type of person who could prioritised herself and her health and made time in your day to do something that made her stronger and healthier.



12 Week Written Training Plan  (Value: $379)

Consider this your virtual personal training programme in the safety and comfort of your home. Here, you’ll find:

  • Each of the 3 stages broken down, step by step in our 3 phases: Beginner, Better, Stronger.

  • Video lessons from me, Lisa, getting in-depth about kettlebell skills (so even if you’ve NEVER even seen a kettlebell before, you’ll feel totally confident)

  • PDF training plan and phone app access to make the process seamless

HIIT WORKOUT LIBRARY Our kettlebell, martial and yoga HIIT Workout Library in our Training App (Value: $297)

Our unique style of training that makes you feel like a bad ass in your living room or garage!

From body weight, martial or yoga to some challenging kettlebell moves, we have got you covered with this fun, fast and convenient way to get your daily training done. You can access written workouts, demo videos with voiceovers or full follow along workouts you can do from the phone, tablet or stream to your TV.

24/7 Sisterhood Support in our Tribe Facebook group (Value: $197)

We’ll cheer you on through the rollercoaster of emotions, including your most sore, my-legs-are-about-fall-off days. In the Private Facebook group, our fitness experts hold your hand when you feel like quitting, or when you simply need to ask a question. The entire community rallies around each other unlike any online group you’ve EVER seen.  Promise: You’ll be welcomed like the guest who brings extra ice & gin to a house party!

Training Soundtrack with our Spotify Playlists (Value: $47)

You will be emailed your full training plan PDF but also have access to our Training & Workout App using Trello, with access to your HIIT workout library, demo videos plus your warm up, mobility and stretch series as well as our Spotify playlists and podcasts to create the perfect soundtrack to your workout.





Signup Now + SAVE



Signup Now + 2 Payments

Remember, this includes:

Our amazing new HIIT Workout library and App for written training plans, demo videos and follow along workouts you can stream onto your TV.

24/7 Access to Sisterhood support in our Tribe Facebook Community.

Need help ordering or have questions?
Email →

This all sounds FRIGGIN AWESOME but I got a question…

Q: How soon after I purchase will I receive the program?

A: As soon as you purchase you’ll be sent a link to the thank you page to begin downloading, in addition to an email with all the information so you can get started right away.

Q: Where do I get kettlebells from?

A: I have researched far and wide to find the perfect kettlebell for my goddesses. I have written a blog post about this and a whole video is dedicated to this in the plan to aid in the process. A beginners kit should not set you back more than $50/£40- maybe only $30/40 depending where you source them.

Q: What happens if I can’t workout 3 times a week?

The magic number for exercising for a short term goal is a minimum of 3 (though 4 is better). This means at least 3 kettlebell workouts of 10-30 minutes in a week. (The first week is only 4 minute workouts so easily to fit into your schedule) We are talking less than 2 hours a week!

Q: I have never lifted a kettlebell in my life, am I strong/fit enough to do this programme?

A: What I love about kettlebells is that they are the perfect beginners strength training tool for women. They are compact, easy to use, effective and inexpensive and you can do so much with them from your own home. I currently have clients in their 50-60s who have never lifted a weight now leaner, stronger and fitter in a few weeks!

Q: Do I need a gym membership to complete the 12 week beginners plan?

A: No, this is a one of the key benefits of this programme that can save you time and money. The workouts are designed for easy to follow, quick and effective home workouts you can do in your bedroom, living room or garage. If you wish, you could easily do them in a gym with a small amount of space and only have to touch 2-3 kettlebells- making it a super safe way to train.

Q: Aren’t kettlebells really heavy? What if I am not strong enough?

A: Kettlebells are designed to help you get stronger in a dynamic and safe way and work on the important posterior kinetic chain of your glutes, hamstrings, hips and core. Most of the moves we do work your lower body primarily. Any upper body exercises we do use a lighter kettlebell and help you to gradually build up the fitness and strength week by week. You will notice how quickly your body responds to these exercises for building strength as well as cardio vascular fitness.

Q: Am I a good fit for this program?

A: This program is for women only (men can invest in the program but can’t be in any of the Facebook Groups). In addition, this program has been incredibly successful for women who are beginners to strength training to those more active and with under 2 stone to lose. My program is geared for you to be active 3 times a week and will require commitment to that.

Q: Am I required to be on Facebook to join the program?

A: We recommend this as a lot of the support, questions and motivation is deliverd in our 24/7 Facebook group. Most of my clients choose to join our Facebook community group for daily tips and accountability. While I do recommend you join the Facebook group, it is not required for participation in the program.

Q: I have lower back pain, will I have to restrict some movements?

A: Did you know that at least 1 in every 3 of my clients tell me they have lower back pain? What I love about kettlebells is that it is the answer to reverse lower back pain. The exercises will help to build up strength in this area to relieve pain and give you strength.

Q: Can I cancel?

A: This is a 12 month program with a monthly payment plan option.  If you try the program in good faith for 6 weeks and do not get any results, you can cancel and receive a full refund.   This is outlined in our Satisfaction Guarantee, you can read more about that here.  Full details on our terms & conditions, visit here.

Q: What if I try the programme and it doesn’t work for me?

A: To truly try anything you must give it time and trust in the process. This is what this process will teach you.  How to trust yourself and build the belief that you can do hard things.  No one can do it for you. Plus it takes more than 21 days to turn something new into a daily habit and it takes at least 28 days to notice true life changing results. So, if after 6 weeks of truly following the programme, you are not satisfied, I guarantee to refund your programme in full to you as part of our Satisfaction Guarantee.

Q: Do I have to do the workouts or can I just follow the eating plan?

A: The crux of this programme is based on carb cycling. This is an intentional variaion of your carbohyrate intake based on the workouts you will be doing to maximise fat burn and energy levels. Without the exercise, you will not be maximising your fat burning potential or helping your body to build lean muscle which is the key element in looking leaner and curvier

That said, following either the workout plan or nutritional plan will deliver short term results, just not maximize the fat burning potential of when paired together… like shampoo and conditioner!!

Q: Do I have to do the programme right away?

A: One of the best things about this programme is that you have FOREVER Lifetime Access to the information in our digital classroom but once you START the 6 week challenge – and if you are working towards the reward of the $197- you cannot restart. That said, you will only have access to the Facebook Community for the 6 weeks of your challenge and access to our Facebook community for the 12 months of your programme. This means you can start the programme today and in 6 weeks you then move into our VIP Community and the next step in your Superhero Body Shape Change journey.

Q: I have a back/shoulder/knee injury, how can I adapt the exercises?

A: If you have been passed by a doctor and physio to exercise, then you are still able to workout. All exercises can be modified. You may just need to reduce the amount of reps and exercise more frequently rather than for longer periods of time. 5 x10 minute workouts is better than 1 hour a week.

Q: I don’t want to get bulky from the weights, will they make me bulky?

A: Weights don’t make you bulky, eating cupcakes do! haha What I love about kettlebells particularly is you get strength training but in an easy to use and fun little bullet. This is what you need to get truly lean and toned. It was when Lisa made the switch to kettlebells and strength training, away from endless cardio, that she got her flattest stomach of her life and awesome arms too! If you look at her (all 5ft of fairy ninja) she has been lifting with kettlebells for 5 years and is by no means bulky!

Q: Do I have to buy protein powder or other shakes and pills?

A: We do advocate a Proothie- a protein smoothie as a cost effective and easy tool to help you to break your fast and reach your protein goals each day but this is not necessary if you are willing to eat additional protein and plants. That said, in my experience most women undereat protein by 100% and do not get enough essential phytonutrients in their diet which these supplements can bridge the gap for but it is entirely up to you.

Q: Can you confirm that there are no other charges or “hidden” costs beyond the initial investment?

A: Indeed we can confirm no hidden costs! Any applicable sales tax is added in the shopping cart. That’s it. There are no other charges. No recurring dues (unless you sign up for the payment plan). Any other products, supplements, equipment or special deals you ever see from me now or in the future are optional.

Q. Do you really answer questions in the Facebook group?

A: Yes, myself and my coaching team really answer your questions on the Private Facebook Group every single day. Every single member is important to me and if you’re struggling, I want to help you succeed. So if you’re interested in getting personal advice straight from Lisa and the other Warrior Goddess Body Coaches, now is the time to get onboard.

Q: Will this work in my country? I’m worried I won’t have access when you do your workouts.

A: We have members all over the world and you can do your workout at any time of the day that suits you.  Workouts are 4-35 minutes and are to be completed in your living room, basement, bedroom or garage (or if the weather is nice, outside!) when and where that suits you!


At least for the time being.

The Pandemice forced me to remind myself of WHAT WORKED. WHAT I TRULY BELIEVED AND WHERE IT ALL BEGAN…


When I was transitioning into becoming a stronger, fitter version of myself, I WISH that a program like this had existed to show me the way. I searched for a program and, when there was none, decided to create it to follow myself..

This is the programme I wish I had 7 years ago.

You already KNOW what it takes. You’re strong and determined and are ready to develop the mindset to succeed. You just need a mentor you can trust (and who has done it before you) to show you how.

But NOW is the time to get on and take action and go from Beginner to Badass in just 12 weeks.


12 Week Written Training Plan  (Value: $379)

Consider this your virtual personal training programme in the safety and comfort of your home. Here, you’ll find:

  • Each of the 3 stages broken down, step by step in our 3 phases: Beginner, Better, Stronger.

  • Video lessons from me, Lisa, getting in-depth about kettlebell skills (so even if you’ve NEVER even seen a kettlebell before, you’ll feel totally confident)

  • PDF training plan and phone app access to make the process seamless

HIIT WORKOUT LIBRARY Our kettlebell, martial and yoga HIIT Workout Library in our Training App (Value: $297)

Our unique style of training that makes you feel like a bad ass in your living room or garage!

From body weight, martial or yoga to some challenging kettlebell moves, we have got you covered with this fun, fast and convenient way to get your daily training done. You can access written workouts, demo videos with voiceovers or full follow along workouts you can do from the phone, tablet or stream to your TV.

24/7 Sisterhood Support in our Tribe Facebook group (Value: $197)

We’ll cheer you on through the rollercoaster of emotions, including your most sore, my-legs-are-about-fall-off days. In the Private Facebook group, our fitness experts hold your hand when you feel like quitting, or when you simply need to ask a question. The entire community rallies around each other unlike any online group you’ve EVER seen.

Promise: You’ll be welcomed like the guest who brings extra ice & tequila to a BBQ.

Training Soundtrack with our Spotify Playlists (Value: $47)

You will be emailed your full training plan PDF but also have access to our Training & Workout App using Trello, with access to your HIIT workout library, demo videos plus your warm up, mobility and stretch series as well as our Spotify playlists and podcasts to create the perfect soundtrack to your workout.





Signup Now + SAVE 43%



Signup Now + 2 Payments

Remember, this includes:

Our amazing new HIIT Workout library and App for written training plans, demo videos and follow along workouts you can stream onto your TV.

24/7 Access to Sisterhood support in our Tribe Facebook Community.

Need help ordering or have questions?
Email →