You might know that science has proven strength training is ridiculously good for women between the ages of 40 and 70.

Kettlebell Strong over 40

Want to Truly Transform the Way You Look and Feel in just 4 minutes a day at home?

Helping Women over 40 use the Power of Kettlebells to get Stronger with Shorter Workouts at Home

For women between the ages of 40 and 70…


If You Don’t Do Strength Training On A Regular Basis, Please Read This:




Science has proven strength training is ridiculously good for women between the ages of 40 and 70.




It can be really harmful if you don’t do strength training on a regular basis.




Strength training is so much easier to do than you probably think.


On this page, I’m going to show you an easy and safe approach to 
strength training that’s highly-effective, and specifically designed for
 regular women between the ages of 40 and 70.


If you’re a woman between the ages of 40 and 70, you need to know these 3 things:


1. A lot of serious health issues can occur if you aren’t doing some kind of regular strength training. (On this page, I’ll share some of these things, so you can be informed.)


2. Even just 4 – 10 minutes of easy, gentle strength training, done on a regular basis, can melt fat, sculpt and tone your body in all the right places so you LOOK FANTASTIC, and improve your overall health and fitness so you FEEL MUCH BETTER every day. (On this page, you’ll discover the long list of benefits you can get from just a little bit of strength training.)


3. Most people have been severely misinformed about strength training.

Did you know that…

Strength training does not mean you have to end up “muscle-bound” or “bulky.”

Strength training is even more important for women over 40.

You don’t need to be a health & fitness nut or an athlete to do strength training.

You can do strength training without ever stepping foot in a gym.

You can do strength training without ever going into the free weights area of the gym.

You don’t have to do crazy-intense or super-long workouts to do strength training.

You can do strength training with effective, safe, EASY workouts.

You can get excellent results from strength training in just 4 or 10 minutes a day.

Even just 4 – 10 minutes of simple, effective strength training, done on a regular basis can melt fat and sculpt and tone your body in all the right places so you LOOK FANTASTIC!


If you don’t do strength training,
 you’re losing muscle every year…which can lead to obesity, falls and fractures,injuries, chronic pain, disability,
 dependence on others, even diabetes!

Discover my Unique Training Programs developed after teaching over 1000+ kettlebell classes over last 5 years…

If you are fed up of bouncing from one exercise routine or weight loss solution to the next then here is the solution.

Kettlebell Training is very addictive and highly effective.

There is a reason why celebrities and professional athletes are all training with kettlebells.

Kettlebell workouts, if done correctly, will target over 600 muscles in minutes.

“Kettlebell training is fast, fun and you’ll get so wrapped up in the new and exciting exercises that you forget how many calories you are burning and muscles you are toning!” 

If you are not getting results from your current exercise program, bored with visiting the gym, or just short on time then Kettlebell Training is the answer.

Helping Women use the Power of Kettlebells to get Stronger with Shorter Workouts at Home.

Strong Women Love these Workouts

Strong women love these workouts because it takes you from feeling unfulfilled, unchallenged and undervalued to feeling like an empowered and passionate bad ass but without added STRESS or HOURS IN THE GYM.
Even as a complete beginner to kettlebell training, this ‘assume nothing’ training takes you from Zero to Superhero starting with just 4 minute workouts.
Releasing yourself from your daily struggles of mum, wife, boss, employee, daughter or counsellor,  you get to focus on YOU to regain your power and feel ALIVE.
Using these simple but highly addictive and challenging kettlebell workouts from just 10 minutes a day, you will be focusing on all those hard to reach places on the female body:
Glutes, Abs, Legs, Arms & Back with a variation of low impact but high intensity HIIT & cardio fat burning routines to get you ready for each monthly Challenge, designed to test your strength, fitness and flexibility and make you feel like a SUPERHERO.
Use these workouts ANYWHERE – home, outdoors, traveling or take them to the gym from as little as just 10 minutes a day.
With the focus not on Skinny or Sixpacks, but on being STRONG and letting everything else take care of itself.
Great for busy moms, or working professionals that would prefer to train towards their goals in the comforts of their home.
Another reason our Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training  Kettlebell Strong over 40 works; this program is uniquely tailor made for the female body over 40.

If you don’t do strength training,
 you’re losing muscle every year…which can lead to obesity, falls and fractures, injuries, chronic pain, disability,
 dependence on others, even diabetes!


We all lose muscle as we age, and if we don’t do something to reverse and prevent this loss (like strength training), it can lead to some very serious health issues. The medical term for age-related muscle loss is sarcopenia.

This is a quote from Vella, C., & Kravitz, L. (2002). Sarcopenia: the mystery of muscle loss. IDEA Personal Trainer, 13(4), 30-35:

“It is well established that there is a progressive loss of muscle mass and muscle strength with age. In physically inactive people, after the age of 30 there is a loss of approximately 3 – 5% of muscle mass per decade and a parallel decline in muscle strength (Nair 1995).”


How exactly does losing muscle (sarcopenia) affect your life?

Let’s see…


“A loss in muscle mass is related to metabolic problems such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and obesity.”From: (Rivas, DA; Fielding, RA. Sarcopenia – Age‐Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness (2011), p. 334. Gordon S. Lynch (ed.). Springer Science.)


“The risk of disability is 1.5 to 4.6 times higher in older persons with sarcopenia than in older persons with normal muscle.”From: (Janssen I, Shepard DS, Katzmarzyk PT, Roubenoff R. The Healthcare Costs of Sarcopenia in the United States. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 52:80–85, 2004.)


“Age-related muscle weakness dramatically increases the risk for elderly falling. A large number of those elderly who fall will not continue living in the community. One half of accidental deaths among individuals age 65 and older are related to falls.”From: (McArdle, A; Jackson, MJ. Sarcopenia – Age‐Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness (2011), p. 318. Gordon S. Lynch (ed.). Springer Science.)


And those are just a few examples.

Age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia) can be very dangerous and can make your life much more difficult and painful.


What can the average 40 – 70 year old accomplishwith just 4 – 10 minutes of easy, safe strength training each day (or even every other day)?


These are just some of the benefits you can expect if you do just 4 – 10 minutes of easy, safe strength training each day (or even every other day!):


(#1) You can sculpt and tone your body in all the right places, so you LOOK FANTASTIC and feel A LOT MORE CONFIDENT (and SEXY!)

This quote comes from Time Magazine’s website (

Strength training is the only way you’re going to truly be able to sculpt the physique of your personal dreams,” says Sue Clark, a Chicago-based strength coach. “Above and beyond the physical changes though, a whole new persona emerges as people start to feel really confident in their own bodies.”


(#2) You can live longer!

The results of a 15-year survey of 30,000 US older adults were published in 2016 in Preventative Medicine. The survey found that:

“Older adults who strength trained at least twice a week had 46 percent lower odds of death for any reasonthan those who did not. They also had 41 percent lower odds of cardiac deathand 19 percent lower odds of dying from cancer.”


(#3) Lose weight

A study published in 2011 in the Journal of Obesity, entitled Evidence for Resistance Training as a Treatment Therapy in Obesity concluded:

“Decreased fat mass, improved glycemic control and blood lipid profiles are important for reducing microvascular and macrovascular complications in people with metabolic risk. On this basis, RT is considered a potential adjunct in the treatment of metabolic disorders by decreasing known major risk factors for metabolic syndromes. As such, RT [resistance training] is recommended in the management of obesity and metabolic disorders.”

A study published in the Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy, entitled Effectiveness of Aerobic and Strength Training in Causing Weight Loss and Favourable Body Composition in Females, concluded:

“Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that both resistance training and aerobic exercise programs exhibit great potentials for weight management. Aerobic training has been observed to decrease body weight from both the fat and muscle compartments while strength training conserved the lean body mass and reduced the fat compartment and thus caused favourable body composition in females.”


(#4) Reduce inflammation and the risk of heart disease

This quote appeared in an article on the Time Magazine website (

Strength training also seems to be a potent antidote to inflammation, a major risk factor for heart disease and other conditions, says Schoenfeld. A 2010 study from the University of Connecticut linked regular resistance training with inflammation-quelling shifts in the body’s levels of cytokines, a type of immune system protein. Another study from Mayo Clinic found that when overweight women did twice-weekly resistance training sessions, they had significant drops in several markers of inflammation.”


(#5) Strengthen your bones, protect you from osteoporosis

This quote is from an article on the Harvard Medical School website:

“Most of us know that strength training (with free weights, weight machines, or resistance bands) can help build and maintain muscle mass and strength. What many of us don’t know is thatstrong muscles lead to strong bones. And strong bones can help minimize the risk of fracture due to osteoporosis.


Numerous studies have shown that strength training can play a role in slowing bone loss, and several show it can even build bone. This is tremendously useful to help offset age-related declines in bone mass. And strength training, in particular, has bone benefits beyond those offered by aerobic weight-bearing exercise. It targets bones of the hips, spine, and wrists, which are the sites most likely to fracture. What’s more, resistance workouts — particularly those that include moves emphasizing power and balance — enhance strength and stability. That can boost confidence, encourage you to stay active, and reduce fractures another way — by cutting down on falls.”


(#6) Reduce depression!

A meta-analysis of 33 clinical trials including 1,877 participants, entitled Association of Efficacy of Resistance Exercise Training With Depressive Symptoms, concluded that:

“…resistance exercise training was associated with a significant reduction in depressive symptoms


The available empirical evidence supports resistance exercise training as an alternative and/or adjuvant therapy for depressive symptoms.”


(#7) Improve insulin resistance, prevent diabetes, decrease blood pressure, decrease cholesterol

This quote appeared in an article on the Time Magazine website (

“More research links resistance training with improved insulin sensitivity among people with diabetes and prediabetes. One study published in the journal Diabetes Care found that twice-weekly training sessions helped control insulin swings (and body weight) among older men with type-2 diabetes. “Muscle is very metabolically active, and it uses glucose, or blood sugar, for energy,” says Mark Peterson, an assistant professor of physical medicine at the University of Michigan.


During a bout of resistance training, your muscles are rapidly using glucose, and this energy consumption continues even after you’ve finished exercising, Peterson says. For anyone at risk for metabolic conditions—type-2 diabetes, but also high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels and other symptoms of metabolic syndrome—strength training is among the most-effective remedies, he says.”


And there’s more…

More research and studies have linked strength training to:

  • Better sleep
  • Improved focus
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Better balance (and fewer falls)
  • Less anxiety
  • Increased well-being

What makes Kettlebell Training the Perfect Home Based Workout…

Why Kettlebell Training is the answer…

Kettlebell Training is so effective because it stimulates more muscles (up to 600 per exercise) and surpass standard cardio exercises. They enable you to increase your strength, build up speed as well as your endurance level at the same time.

Plus Many kettlebell exercises flow together meaning you need 1 for an effective workout.

Kettlebell Training uses more muscles to perform each exercise which means you will work harder and burn more calories.  

This makes several calorie-burning exercises that you cannot do with dumbbells or a barbell possible. They include the kettlebell swing, which will help you lose weight, strengthen your glutes and core and get into shape faster than any other exercise.

When used correctly a kettlebell improves lower back pain and your joint stability and mobility specifically in shoulders, hips, knees and ankles.

When you swing a kettlebell you learn to activate your posterior chain (the back of your body from heels to neck), often weaken by hours spent being sedentary and well, sitting on your ass!

This is often overlooked by other exercise methods. You will learn to wake up this lazy and tired muscle to support your lower back plus working more in this area increases fat burn as your butt muscles require huge amounts of energy to function.

What’s more, as you swing, the weight tries to pull the joints apart and it is your stabilising muscles that maintain the closure of the joint. Strong development of stabilising muscles ensure you have a stronger foundation for your larger muscles to operate from enabling less injury and an increase in strength

Kettlebells also force longer ranges of movement opening up your joints and increasing mobility and thus better movement freedom.

What makes Kettlebell Strong over 40 workouts truly different?

You are a strong, busy woman with incredibly important roles to fill each day.

You do your best to eat healthy and keep fit. You are doing everything you can to live a healthy life.

You spend your days running from one part of your life to the next, changing hats and spinning plates as you go.


From super mum, busy professional, loving wife, supportive daughter or sister and counsellor to all your friends.

And you leave little or no time for you.

But, you don’t have the body or lifestyle you are proud of.

The idea of turning up in the gym in lycra makes you feel sick.

You get bored easy or you question your own strength or motivation.

You feel stressed out, overwhelmed and lack energy.

You feel powerless, unfulfilled and pulled in all directions.

You want to lose the fat around your midsection.

You want to sleep better.

You want to get stronger, leaner and more fit.
But you have been focusing on the wrong things.  You have been focusing on diets, pills and potions, short cuts, fad workouts and getting skinny.
You are ready for a change and are willing to do what it takes to finally get some results.
You are looking for a solution that is easy to implement and will be effective for a lifetime.
We don’t focus on sixpacks or skinny.  We don’t want big muscles or popping veins. We just want our inside to be reflected on the outside.  No forcing our beliefs down your throat or barking orders at you.
Just a system that delivers on getting you strong, getting results and challenging you and a STRONG BODY YOU ARE PROUD OF.

What is included in Kettlebell Strong over 40?


Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training is designed to get you LEAN, STRONG and CURVY and that is why we crafted our carefully designed blend of martial arts, kettlebells and yoga to embrace these three results.  You will get a LEAN (HIIT style training) STRONG (Upper body strength and conditioning workout) and CURVY (Legs, bum and tums with bells) every week.  Working from absolute beginner level access with lighter bells progressing as the phases progress so your fitness and strength progresses too. All home based workouts completed in 30 minutes of less.


The most amazing part about Kettlebell training is that even 4 minutes of exercise delivers amazing results FAST.  And it is so much easier to motivate yourself with just a 4 minute workout. Then once you have built your ‘exercise muscle’ just a little bit you can begin to build your exercise habit with greater consistency and frequency. And then the magic happens, the more you work on regular training, the more likely you are to make other healthy habits too.


Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training is designed to get you LEAN, STRONG and CURVY and that is why we crafted our carefully designed blend of martial arts, kettlebells and yoga to embrace these three results.  You will get a LEAN (HIIT style training) STRONG (Upper body strength and conditioning workout) and CURVY (Legs, bum and tums with bells) every week.  Working from absolute beginner level access with lighter bells progressing as the phases progress so your fitness and strength progresses too. All home based workouts completed in 30 minutes of less.


A dedicated Facebook Group to provide guidance, support and motivation to keep you swinging.  Community is the greatest superpower in ensuring you are able to achieve your fitness, strength and body shape change goals.


Jacqui, 47

I loved the fact that it’s so simple yet effective and after a day’s work I looked forward to it, just grab the kettlebell and work away!

The kettle-bell routines and exercises that Lisa demonstrates in her videos are awesome and leave you feeling super strong and pumped! I cannot recommend this highly enough – go for it – you will be glad you did!

Debi, 44


Mary Beth, 58

I loved the fact that it’s so simple yet effective and after a day’s work I looked forward to it, just grab the kettlebell and work away!

The kettle-bell routines and exercises that Lisa demonstrates in her videos are awesome and leave you feeling super strong and pumped! I cannot recommend this highly enough – go for it – you will be glad you did!

Val, 52

Charlie, 47

I have definitely lost inches & feel stronger, I am pushing myself to consistently lift heavier bells!


The challenge gave me incredible motivation….but, more importantly, so much education!


The kettle-bell routines and exercises that Lisa demonstrates in her videos are awesome and leave you feeling super strong and pumped! I cannot recommend this highly enough – go for it – you will be glad you did!


Burn Fat, Gain Energy, Tone Muscle using these super effective proven exercises & workouts.

Save time by using movement based exercises that target over 600 muscles in one go.

Avoid Injury by learning the professional way to structure your workout program and perform the exercises plus strengthen your lower back, knees and calves.

Workout anywhere – bedroom, living room, garage, garden or gym.

Are you busy? Do you have a full work and life schedule already?

No problem—this strength training routine takes only 4 – 10 minutes each day to complete.


Isn’t it a pain-in-the-butt to exercise when you have to:

→Change into special exercise clothes

→Drive all the way to the gym

→Fight the crowds for use of the machines and weights you need to use

→Take a shower

→Change back into your regular clothes

…And then drive back to work or home?


GREAT NEWS!You don’t have to do *ANY* of that!

With this new strength training routine…You don’t need a gym

→You don’t need to drive anywhere

→You don’t need to change into special exercise clothes

→You don’t need any expensive equipment

→You don’t even need to shower after you do the shorter routines, because most of the time, you won’t even break a sweat!


You can do this whole strength training routine in just 4 – 10 minutes each day, and all you need is your body, a floor, and 1/2 inexpensive kettlebells!

Get Started Today


$ 37

ONE MONTH OF WORKOUTSThis ‘Assume Nothing’ beginners plan that you can start today with Instant Access building up from 4 minute workouts with full beginners workout plan, videos and follow along training. 

Includes bonuses on goal setting, tracking your progress & guide to buying your first kettlebell.



$ 27

MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONSubscribe and save for monthly access to 3 Signature Workouts a Week that can be completed at home or in the gym with full workout plan, videos and follow along training or demos.

Choose from Beginners to Advanced Beginners Options.


30 Day No Questions Asked

Money-Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you follow a program and don’t improve the way you look and feel over the next 30 days, just let me know and I’ll send you a prompt refund.

“All these workout and nutrition programs been tried and tested but if for any reason you are not happy then of course I’ll issue you with a refund”

– Lisa Barwise

Begin your life-changing kettlebell journey today.


Q: I have never lifted a kettlebell in my life, am I strong/fit enough to do this programme?

A: What I love about kettlebells is that they are the perfect beginners strength training tool for women.  They are compact, easy to use, effective and inexpensive and you can do so much with them from your own home. I currently have clients in their 50-60s who have never lifted a weight now leaner, stronger and fitter in a few weeks!

Q: What happens if I can’t workout 3 times a week? Or can I mix my home workouts with coming to class?

The magic number for exercising for a short term goal is a minimum of 3 (though 4 is better).  This means at least 3 kettlebell workouts of 10-30 minutes in a week.  (The first week is only 10 minute workouts so easily to fit into your schedule)

This will then increase to 3 strength and conditioning or slightly more intense HIIT exercise which will be essential for avoiding plateaus and boredom! – not sure what is deemed exercise? Read this here.

It really depends on your goals and how much you want to achieve your weightloss goals.

Q: Am I a good fit for this program?

A: This program is for women only (men can invest in the program but can’t be in any of the Facebook Groups). In addition, this program has been incredibly successful for women who are beginners to strength training to those more active and with under 2 stone to lose. My program is geared for you to be active 3 times a week and will require commitment to that.

Q: Where do I get kettlebells from?

A: I have researched far and wide to find the perfect kettlebell for my goddesses.  I have written a blog post about this and a whole video is dedicated to this in the classroom  to aid in the process.  A beginners kit should not set you back more than £40- maybe only £30.

Q: What if I try the programme and it doesn’t work for me?

A: To truly try anything you must give it time and trust in the process. It takes more than 21 days to turn something new into a daily habit and it takes at least 28 days to notice true life changing results.  If after 28 days of truly following the programme, you are not satisfied, I guarantee to refund your programme in full to you. No more questions asked.

Q:Do you really offer a money back guarantee?

A: Sure can! I’m not here just to take your money I want to ensure you get the best possible results you can. I do ask that you give the programme a try for at least 21 days prior to asking for a refund, if at that stage it hasn’t worked for you. I am happy to refund. NO mess, NO fuss. I stand by my 30 day money back guarantee.

Q: Aren’t kettlebells really heavy? What if I am not strong enough?

A: Kettlebells are designed to help you get stronger in a dynamic and safe way and work on the important posterior kinetic chain of your glutes, hamstrings, hips and core.  Most of the moves we do work your lower body primarily.  Any upper body exercises we do use a lighter kettlebell and help you to gradually build up the fitness and strength week by week.  You will notice how quickly your body responds to these exercises for building strength as well as cardio vascular fitness.

Q: Do I need a gym membership to complete these workouts?

A: No, this is a one of the key benefits of this programme that can save you time and money. The workouts are designed for easy to follow, quick and effective home workouts.  If you wish, you could easily do them in a gym with a small amount of space.

Q: Am I required to be on Facebook to join the program?

A: I host the Warrior Goddess Body Circle community groups on Facebook. Most of my clients choose to join our Facebook community group for daily tips and accountability. While I do recommend you join the Facebook group, it is not required for participation in the program.

Q: Do I have to do the programme right away?

A: One of the best things about this programme is that you have FOREVER Lifetime Access to the information, programme, classroom and community group.  This means you can start the programme today next week or next month! And it means you can do it again at any time.  Any time you want to regain some control or get ready for an event or special occassion or just for ongoing support.

Q: I don’t want to get bulky from the weights, will they make me bulky?

A: Weights don’t make you bulky, eating cupcakes do! haha What I love about kettlebells particularly is you get strength training but in an easy to use and fun little bullet. This is what you need to get truly lean and toned. It was when Lisa made the switch to kettlebells and strength training, away from endless cardio, that she got her flattest stomach of her life and awesome arms too! If you look at her (all 5ft of fairy ninja) she has been lifting with kettlebells for 2 years and is by no means bulky!

Q: I have a back/shoulder/knee injury, how can I adapt the exercises?

A: If you have been passed by a doctor and physio to exercise, then you are still able to workout. You may just need to reduce the amount of reps and exercise more frequently rather than for longer periods of time. 5 x10 minute workouts is better than 1 hour a week.

Q: I have lower back pain, will I have to restrict some movements?

A: Did you know that at least 1 in every 3 of my clients tell me they have lower back pain? What I love about kettlebells is that it is the answer to reverse lower back pain. The exercises will help to build up strength in this area to relieve pain and give you strength.