
four minute workout - Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training

Why the FOUR minute workout will change EVERYTHING

A four-minute workout is all you need to get started for you to see results in getting strong and fit.   I have women messaging me and telling, “I wish I had your motivation or energy”, or  “How do I get started with exercise?”, “The kettlebell looks really good but it also looks really scary”, and lastly, “What can I do to be fit and strong?”   Believe it or not, I was somebody like you. I was somebody who signed up for a six-week program and only attended two of the classes. I was somebody who was inconsistent with my exercises. People who know me from 10 years ago are completely shocked when they found out I started the Kettlebell Training, became a Personal Trainer and have my own studio and teach 10 classes per week because it’s just too shocking to them!   I turned my situation all around when I learned about kettlebells. I consider myself a “lazy-healthy” person. A kettlebell workout is perfect for “lazy-healthy” people just like me (or people who really just lack motivation or commitment to see things through) because in just four minutes a day you will see amazing results. A four-minute…

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