We want you to be STRONG NOW…





+ How this LITTLE, LAZY, LOST GIRL turned Warrior Goddess.  From being in pain most days, suffering from IBS, the upper body strength of a T-rex and terrified of discipline-  to feeling like the Warrior Goddess I admired on my TV screens.

+ How to SET A GOAL YOU WILL ACTUALLY ACHIEVE– the biggest reason why women fail at any new lifestyle change is unrealistic expectations.  

+ STOP WAITING FOR MOTIVATION TO STRIKE you are not lacking motivation or willpower, you are just burnt out spinning your wheels on things that don’t work and leave you feeling fed up and frustrated.

+ How to TRAIN LIKE A WARRIOR – not the same as attending weekly Zumba or Spin classes- but perfect for the busy and often unmotivated women who need a short, meaningful workout (that can be done at home or the gym) and also beginners who are seriously anxious at the thought of strength training and helping to source all the tools and equipment you need (and know there is very little).

+ How TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT THROUGH DIETS & STARVATION  is causing a new, hidden epidemic that slowly kills the metabolism and wreaks havoc on women and your hormones, especially over 40s. We will teach you how to EAT for fat loss that is healthy and will actually balance your hormones.

+ STOP FOCUSING ON ALL THE WRONG THINGS When you focus on STRONG, everything else takes care of itself.  Courage comes from knowing you can do hard things. And confidence comes from building that belief and that sense of certainty.

“Don’t be sorry. Just Improve”- Xena Warrior Princess.


Let’s answer some FAQs about the Challenge:


Q: What is the Challenge?

A: 5 Days of Focusing on the RIGHT Things to GET STRONGER Now.  It is an accountability challenge.  A consistency challenge- showing up and doing something for 5 days and completing assignments which will create a 90 day plan to follow to achieve your goals.


Day #1 How to Set Goals you will Achieve

Day #2 Overcoming the Obstacles you put in your own way (from what equipment you need to time saving workouts)

Day #3 How to Follow Through and Keep Going (learning about motivation and energy)

Day #4 Your Day To Day Routines & Rituals that form your Habit Goals (what are the habits you need to succeed)

Day #5 A 90 Day Goal and Plan to get you there (including an eating and training plan for YOUR Goals and how to measure progress.)



Q: What will I get?

A: 5x 30-60 Live Videos outlining how I get  70% of my clients to FINISH any challenge (rather than only the usual 5% that stick to anything).

+ 90 Day Goal Setting Guide

+ 90 Day Action Plan including an eating and training plan for YOUR goals.

+ Guide to kickstart you on your goals (choose from body shape change, kettlebell workouts, eating for fat loss, eating more plants, master the kettlebell) and LOTS of FREE workouts, recipes and guides to get you there.



Q: What do I need (equipment, kettlebells etc) before I start?

A: Nothing! Just a notebook, pen and commitment to show up to watch live and do your assignments.

+ We will help you to source and find any equipment you need for your goals i.e. a kettlebell or yoga mat or blender or protein powder or supplements. And we will check or give feedback on any kettlebells you have and what else you might want to purchase.

+ If you already have a kettlebell, you may want to let us see it and how you swing it  so a video phone or a phone where you can upload photos or videos to FB.

+ Access to emails and the internet to upload your assignments and access to the FB group to watch the LIVE Broadcasts or replays everyday.


I love this Xena quote: “Causes are only lost when people give up.” And I know what it feels like being a lost cause and giving up on myself.

From starting from scratch or starting something NEW (and then there’s the restarting once you have fallen off.)

I was one of those people who would sign up for a 6 week yoga program and go to only 2 classes and feel like shit about myself about the wasted money and that I was so flakey and why couldn’t I just show up for myself.

I would hit an obstacle, fall down and stay down for weeks, having my own pity party and never thinking I could do it.  I thought that it was just that I lacked willpower or motivation. That I was weak.

People today are still shocked to find out I work in fitness and wellness because it is so far from where I once was.

That now I am truly strong- inside and out.


“You don’t have to be great to get started, but you need to start to be great”- Zig Ziglar.


But in order to get there you need to know how to get started and how to keep going, even when you are not motivated.

Now, after 6 years of teaching kettlebell training, I have seen every excuse, every motivational challenge, every struggle.

I know that is not motivation you are missing but accountability and quick wins.  

I know when I learned to focus on the right things, got excited about  progress and not perfection, that I really began to enjoy the process and have fun. Well, then everything changed. And this is exactly what I can teach you.

I will be there with you every step of the way.  You will not do any of this alone, I promise.

This 5 Day Accountability Challenge is a MUST if…


+ You’re tried all the trendy diets, constant cardio classes or bootcamps and you know deep down that what you want most is to FEEL good and FEEL STRONG and that the Superhero body is a BONUS.

+ You long for the strength and certainty you see in STRONG female characters, successful women and superheroes. Maybe there is even a part of you that always wanted to be Buffy or Xena Warrior Princess.

+ You’re in your more “mature” years (hello the big 40 and 50) and want to get LEAN & STRONG before it’s too late

+ You used to be in good shape, but you got injured or ill, and you want to get back to feeling healthy, strong and in control.

+ That you are sick of feeling you lack willpower  or motivation and feeling flakey and that you NEED to do something to ENJOY life and find more FUN. You want to focus on STRONG, having fun, being part of a Sisterhood and Community of Cheer Leaders ready to support you.

+ You have an inner Warrior Goddess total bad ass just screaming to get out and you can’t ignore it any longer.  You need to do something.  You want to feel empowered, you want to feel SEXY STRONG.



  • EARN $100 straight into your bank account. All you have to do is watch the daily LIVE Video in our special challenge FB group and complete your accountability assignment each day to be entered to win.


  • We’re talking about 30 minutes a day for 5 days and yes one day will be a workout you can do from home- for all levels, with no equipment necessary.

© 2020 Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training.