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This is a hard hitting episode challenging your beliefs and thoughts about the current healthcare system.


We’re invited Dr. Robert Yoho onto the podcast to help us to first bring light to corruption we know to be true but also to help us to navigate it.

Dr. Yoho is 68 years old and calls himself a healthcare whistleblower. He practiced medicine in the United States and retired two years ago. He was a board-certified emergency physician and cosmetic surgeon. He has recently published two books, Butchered by “Healthcare” and Hormone Secrets.

These hard hitting facts and information shared are backed by reports, finding and discoveries shared by brave men and women.

If this episode, is tough and you find you need support, do reach out.

Links mentioned in this episode:

– Dr Robert Yoho’s Book
– Dr Robert Yoho’s website
– Dr Robert’s Yoho’s podcast


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