What to do now:
1. Watch the video here on taking a moment to celebrate your success, track your progress in terms of your Mindset, Body & Strength.
2. Then decide how you are moving forward. already a Wheel of Year VIP Goddess? Then click here to progress into the VIP programme.
3. Want to become a VIP and access our pinnacle Wheel of the Year programme for the next 28 days of your cycle, menu plan and exercise programme in addition to focusing more on your personal and lifestyle development to become the best version of you? Then click here to get started here!
3. Be sure to comment in the Facebook Group about your progress and how you are finding things and if you have any questions about the exercises or meal plans.
Focus on Progress, not Perfection.
In that journey of striving, the key thing is to let go of getting it perfectly right and to also let go of that ideal and instead if you can honestly say that you’ve tried your best, then you can finish your day fulfilled and wake up refreshed the next day to do just that much better.
So let go of your ideal of perfect and commit to honestly doing your best and edging your life closer and closer to where you want to be and celebrate every success and or failure along the way, as long as you get up and keep trying, keep making progress.
Don’t ever believe you can’t do something. If you have a dream you’ve got to go for it not matter what other people think. Believe in yourself and know that you are more than capable of achieving it, and most importantly, believe that you deserve it. When people tell you that you can’t do something it’s usually because they couldn’t do it themselves! Ignore negative people who put you down and make you feel inferior or inadequate.
Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support you along your journey. This is why our Tribe Community is SO important and being a part of it will ensure you reach your goals.