Week 4

Watch the video here on moving into the final week, Week 4 and following the final 7 days of your cycle, menu plan and exercise programme.

What to do now:

1. Watch the video here on moving into Week 4 and following the final 7 days of your cycle, menu plan and exercise programme in your first round of the 28 Day Programme.

2. Be sure to comment in the Facebook Group about your progress and how you are finding things and if you have any questions about the exercises or meal plans.

4. Complete your DAILY tracker report which you will tick off as the week goes along and then take a photo and upload into the Facebook Group each Sunday. This is essential to track your progress and if you miss more than 1 weekly check in any 28 days and your challenge will be forfeited.

Be sure to comment in the Facebook Group here.


Warm Up Videos

KB Beginners Session 4 + Body Weight HIIT


Resistance Band