Wise Woman
Life Cycle Type
Hormone Type
Ovarian fatigue
Key Symptoms
Womanly shape disappearing, belly fat taking over and impossible to shift. Tired, frustrated and almost giving up on your body. Aches, pains and slow to get up and down. Joints can be inflammed.
Eating Focus
It is important at this time to focus more on a Plant Based Based lifestyle with getting more than 100g of fibre from leafy greens. Get your starchy carbs and essential isoflavones from plant based legumes like chick peas, tofu, lentils and sweet potatoes or from Superfood smoothies.
Focus on Carb Cycling, enjoy more of your carbs after exercise and on feast days.
On lower calorie days, stick to low carb foods like salads and protein shakes.
Enjoy what you are eating, don’t give up favourite foods just know when to eat them.
Ensure you get 30g of protein first thing in morning, in fact, you can make it up to 50g in one meal and it work in your favour!
Remove Meal Planning Stresses with Quick easy meals and use Superfood smoothies and shakes when busy.
Ensure you are eating lots of fibrous veggies and healthy fats and drink lots of WATER.
Exercise Focus
Your workout motto needs to be: “Push until you can’t, rest until you can.”
Find rest time even in shorter and higher intensity workouts
Metabolism priming workouts
3x 20 min Metabolic HIIT workouts MAXIMUM (1x LEAN or YOGA HIIT, 1 x CURVY OR STRONG) NO MORE THAN THIS A WEEK. Do not be tempted to do more or heavier.
At least 1 hour a week of Sprint Bursts followed by a Long Relaxed Walk – no jogging.
At least 1 hour a week of Stress Relieving/Breathing practices such as Yoga and building up to a 10-minute Meditation
Self-Care Essentials
Focus on a Rest Based Lifestyle. Book time to chat with a friend over coffee or wine on regular basis.
Focus on cuddles and if cuddles lead to more, that is a great way to boost your metabolism.
Sweat away fake estrogen- Saunas & hot Epsom baths- at least 1 a week
Sleep at least 8 hours a night- if not 9-10 or enjoy naps in the middle of the day.
Supplement Essentials
Juice Plus Complete Superfood Shakes
To create superfood smoothies and shakes for a nutrious and stressless meal on the run (including breakfast) you will get all the benefits of 17 fruits and vegetables in addition to 18g of plant based protein plus 6g of fibre.
Juice Plus Omegas 3, 5, 6 & 9
Essential fatty acids to regulate hormones, lessen PMS symptoms, lower systemic inflammation, alleviates joint pain and improves brain function. These are sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that can help influence prostaglandin synthesis and help moderate menopausal symptoms.
Menopause and menstrual issues
Vitex (aka chaste berry) 200 to 400 mg per day. This herb acts on the hypothalamus to restore normal function of the HPA and its signaling to the ovaries. In this way vitex can deliver estrogen and progesterone balancing effects.
Flaxseeds or Flaxseed Oil
Substances called lignins in flaxseed are important modulators of hormone metabolism. Grind flaxseed fresh daily in a coffee grinder at home or purchase pregrinded and use in your smoothies using up 1 to 2 tablespoons a day.
Black cohosh (Cumicifuga racemosa).
One of the best-studied traditional herbs for menopause, black cohosh is used to help alleviate some symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes. Black cohosh seems to work by supporting and maintaining hormonal levels, which may lessen the severity of hot flashes. Many women report that the herb works well but it isn’t effective for everyone. While any therapy that influences hormonal actions should be a concern, black cohosh does not appear to have estrogenic activity and thus may be safe for women with a personal or family history of breast cancer.
Your Nutrition, Exercise & Lifestyle
Plan Summary Suggestions
1. Enjoy your favourite foods but on the days it works within your macros.
2. Go Plant Based- get more Fibre from Greens and green smoothies are your friend. Get essential isoflavones from legumes, tofu and tempeh.
3. Follow Carb Cycling programme- Eat Carbs in morning and night
4. Get some cuddles and if cuddles lead to more, well!
5. Get more sleep. If not sleep, then nap!
6. Spend time with friends and drink wine- enjoy sense of community and use it as a way to destress not medicate!
7. Rest more during exercise and take breaks.
8. Focus on 3 x20/30 min Metabolic Conditioning workouts a week.
9. Manage stress with meditation, yoga, walks, baths
10. Take hormone balancing supplements to combat hot flashes and other symptoms
11. Alleviate fake oestrogens by removing chemicals from your life, partake in more cleansing practices and add hot saunas and Epsom salt baths.
12. Getting plenty of fiber and water helps tame the symptoms of estrogen spikes like hot flashes, cold sweats, and mood swings.
13. Meanwhile, focusing on protein keeps hunger and cravings at bay. That’s because protein is more filling than both carbs and fats, so it controls your appetite more at a time in your life when you feel the most out of control. Plus, protein is harder for your body to store as fat, so it’s less like likely to result in a menopause belly.