

How to Stay Healthy and Prepare for the Corona Virus

First and foremost, take a breath. Yes, the coronavirus will spread, but we CAN take preventive measures that will go a long way in keeping our families healthy! The novel coronavirus, which causes the illness covid-19, is at the forefront of the media and everyone’s minds. Some people aren’t worried at all and some countries have shut down travel, business, and social engagements to try to contain the outbreak. Learn how to prepare for the coronavirus! Lighthearted memes and out-of-stock toilet paper have been prominent topics of conversation concerning the coronavirus in the us. There have been wildly varying opinions about the severity of the illness, but what we know is that it’s spreading all over the world and it’s highly contagious. We’re getting rapid-fire updates from the media about who’s tested positive, how many people have been affected, and where travel is banned. We’re seeing an unprecedented response to a unique situation, so what can we do?     HERE’S WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT THE CORONAVIRUS: The virus originated in Wuhan, China and has since spread globally The World Health Organization has declared a pandemic, meaning worldwide spread of a new disease Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of…

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