Is this your season? Time to get ready
90 Day Goddess Got Goals
Accountability Challenge
Now is your time. Let’s go.

21 Day creates a habit
28 days is a full cycle of the moon
90 Days is a full season of your life
Doing something for 90 days becomes part of who you are. It becomes just what you do.
Welcome to the GODDESS GOT GOALS Journal, where we will empower strong, fierce females just like you to realise your full potential as a better boss, mum, entrepreneur, wife, friend, sister, woman and spiritual being.
Supporting you to take IMPERFECT action to focus on Progress and not perfection.
No to do lists
No schedules or planner
No Myopic Goals
No Deadlines
Track your FEMPOWER, observe, allow and experience what truly drives you in your heart so that you can tap into the energy that is your Goddess Flow, accepting our monthly, moon and hormonal cycles for success.
To tap into the power of our feminine energy and our truest superpower.
The only journal of its type to truly encompass the spiritual feminine world.
The two biggest blockers of Achievement for women:
- Guilt
- Grind
Why are Goddess Goal Setting different to Masculine Goal Setting?
The answer: Flow
Observing and allowing rather than pushing or punishing.
Guilt leads to paralysis
Grind leads to burnout
Determine your North Star…
What is your Guiding Goal? What is the shining light that draws you to it? What desire burns deep in your heart that you cannot ignore?
Let’s determine how you set just 1 goal.
You have to go all in on one goal.
But that goal can have 5 Dreams , 5 Steps or 5 Aspects that equal that one goal.
5 years from now, how does your life look?
What 5 things – who you are, what you do, what you have make that possible?
That is your North Star.

EVERY MONDAY morning you’ll get an email from us with the week’s theme. Each theme will focus on a different topic from persistence to the power of habits. We will also include all kinds of resources and FREE content that will help you with the challenge.
EVERY MONDAY AT 3.30PM GMT you can join Lisa for our weekly live stream on VIP Goddess Got Goals Challenge Group. Each week’s live stream starts with a little motivation, energy and ends with a little fire. Each week she’ll be unpacking the limiting beliefs and best practices that held them up or helped push forward along their own journey. They will also add all sorts of other things into their programming so we can add the most value to you.
EVERY DAY you need to do your 5 Morning & Evening Star Rituals. We will add them as a resource when you sign up but please tune into the Live stream so you can hear Lisa explain (or go hear it later on our YouTube Channel). These morning and evening habits is the baseline. While everyone taking part in the challenge is at different places and stages, we all commit to doing these five things every day.
Besides just signing up we also believe the best way to stay engaged with our community is by sharing your progress on social media. All you have to do is use the #goddessgotgoals and tag @lisa_barwise or Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training when you post so we can follow you ladies along and encourage you to keep pushing through.






© 2017 Warrior Goddess Kettlebell Training.